Monday, November 28, 2011

Indications For Use of Infant Formula

!±8± Indications For Use of Infant Formula

Infant food manufacturers and health care professionals are united in recommending breast milk as the best way to feed a baby during the first six months of life. However, because a woman cannot, or chooses not to breast feed, then the infant formula is used. There are clinical or pathological cases, which permits only the infant formula to be used and this is a very good reason why the infant food industry makes an essential contribution to infant and young child health by offering safe and nutritious alternatives to breast milk.

These problems are as follows:
• Allergy to cow or soy protein (or colic). Suggested recommended formula to be used in this case is Mutramigen Neocate. They are Casein hydrolysate and hypoallergenic formulas.
• Cardiac or renal diseases. Suggested recommended formula to be used in this case is Similac PM 60/40. They have lower amounts of Ca/Phosphorus and potassium.
• Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Suggested recommended formula or is the premature Formula or in severe cases, Pregestimil. They are partially elemental and with Ca/P pregestimil: elemental/lactose-free
• Constipation- A good start or Routine formula with increased Sugar is highly recommended. Such good start formula should be 100% whey protein, produces "soft breast milk-like stools"
• Cystic Fibrosis- Portagen or Pregestimil/ Alimentum is a good formula for this case. Such a formula is an increase MCT fat concentration.
• Diarrhea- A Routine or Isomil DF, Lacto-free, pregestimil formula. Isomil DF consists of w/water-soluble fiber and lactose-free, others: lactose free, elemental formula.

Premature Infant formulas
• Designed for premature infants with birth weight less than 1800g.
• Major nutrient composition is partially elemental for easier digestion.
• Vitamin and mineral content is approximately 3 times that of standard formulas to meet the increased needs premature infants.
• Available only in ready to feed in 20 or 24 calorie/ounce.

• Protein: 60% casein and 40% whey
• Carbohydrate:50% lactose and 50% glucose polymers
• Fat: 50% medium chain and 50% long chain triglycerides.

Available brands
1. Enfamil Premature with Iron
2. Similac special Care with Iron
3. Similac Natural care (breast milk fortifier)
4. Similac Neocare
• Designed for premature infants greater than 1800g who require increased calories, protein, vitamins and minerals.
• 22 calories/ounce standard dilution.
• Available in powder commercially. Ready to feed in the hospital setting.
• Appropriate for the first year of feeding.

Using Bottle
Allow the infant to tell the adult when feeding is over. Babies have a natural ability to obtain the right amount of food if the adult will allow them that privilege. Babies will change from day to day in the amount of formulas they want and need. Allow them to communicate that to the feeder. When a baby closes its mouth, turns her head away, fusses and refuses to have the nipple replaced, consider the feeding ended and discard any formula remaining in the bottle. Formula left over after feeding can harbor bacteria, which will grow and then be consumed by the infant if the bottle is reused.

Always hold an infant when feeding. Never prop a bottle. Infants need to be able to see the face of the person feeding them, they need to be able to communicate and enjoy the feeding and they need to be able to get the bottle out of their mouth if they are choking or gagging, none of this is possible with a propped bottle.

Never offer an infant honey or corn syrup. There have been several incidents of serious food poisoning resulting from honey and corn syrup given to infants with immature digestive systems.

Indications For Use of Infant Formula

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Monday, November 21, 2011

What is the Amount of Calcium in Whole Milk

!±8± What is the Amount of Calcium in Whole Milk

Milk has been termed by many health specialists as one of the most healthful sources of calcium. However, many people are ready to argue this point considering milk coming from animal sources with fat content and possibly some impurities as well.

What they don't know is the amount of calcium in whole milk and the amount that actually gets absorbed by the blood stream is more than the amount provided by any other source. 1 cup of whole milk provides up to 400 mg of calcium. In addition to calcium, milk also contains many other enzymes, amino acids and nutrients that help in its proper digestion and consequently help in maximum calcium absorption.

Amount of calcium in whole milk as well as skim milk is enough to fulfill a day's needs if taken twice a day. Similarly, other dairy products like yoghurt, cream and ice cream are equally effective and most of us are used to eating these foods on a regular basis.

Who doesn't like pizza nowadays? A lot of cheese is consumed along with vegetables, chicken, beef and other stuff. It has been found to be a healthful source of calcium because of the cheese content and cheese is made from milk. Amount of calcium in whole milk is therefore beneficial in every way, whether it's fresh or used as a dairy product such as cheese.

Of course exceptions are always there. Some people are allergic to milk and other dairy products. They find it difficult to digest and end up developing some infections. Soy milk can be used by these people as an alternative. Soy milk not only contains adequate calcium but also many other minerals and vitamins. Elderly people are strongly advised to increase their daily liquid intake in the form of soy beverages, plain water and fruit juices.

Amount of calcium in whole milk is also utilized in manufacturing various toothpastes and supplement products. We all know that calcium is good for our bones and teeth, and therefore when we see an advertisement that tells us that a certain product provides an excellent source of calcium found in milk, we immediately want to buy it.

For promoting bone and muscle health, doctors recommend not only drinking milk on a regular basis but also consuming good-quality calcium supplements. These products are now easily available on the market. Calcium carbonate, coral calcium, calcium phosphate and calcium citrate are mostly used as calcium sources in these supplements.

What is the Amount of Calcium in Whole Milk

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Enfamil Nutramigen Lipil Hypoallergenic Infant Formula Concentrated Liquid, Iron Fortified, 13-Ounce Cans (Pack of 12)

!±8±Enfamil Nutramigen Lipil Hypoallergenic Infant Formula Concentrated Liquid, Iron Fortified, 13-Ounce Cans (Pack of 12)

Brand : Enfamil
Rate :
Price : $82.50
Post Date : Nov 09, 2011 11:00:21
Usually ships in 24 hours

Enfamil Nutramigen Lipil Hypoallergenic Infant Formula provides easy-to-digest, balanced nutrition for baby's first 12 months. Lipil is a blend of the nutrients DHA and ARA. DHA and ARA are also naturally found in breast milk and are important building blocks for a baby's brain and eyes. Experts agree on the many benefits of breast milk. If you choose to use infant formula, ask your doctor which Enfamil formula is best for your baby. Enfamil Nutramigen Lipil is a hypoallergenic formula for babies who cry excessively or develop other colic symptoms or rash due to milk protein allergy. Must add water.

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